ProjectPlannerAI Changelog

  • Exciting New Features and Improvements!

    We're thrilled to introduce several new updates and features that will enhance your experience with our system! Here's a rundown of the latest changes:

    • Refactored Header and Side Navigation: We've optimized the design and functionality of the header and side navigation, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

    • New 'Backlog' Column in Work Items: Organize your long-term tasks more effectively! We've added a 'Backlog' column to your Work Items board, placed before the 'To Do' column. This allows you to separate tasks intended for future execution from tasks scheduled for the current week, keeping your workflow more organized and focused.

    • Persistent Side Navigation: Your side navigation settings will now persist even after you leave or refresh the page, thanks to localStorage integration. No more reconfiguring your layout every time you log in!

    • Enhanced Kanban Prioritization: Florin's requested feature is here! You can now prioritize and rearrange work items within the Kanban view with ease. This new feature will significantly improve task management and streamline your project workflows.

    • Mobile Navigation Fixes: We've addressed the issue where mobile navigation items were disappearing when selecting 'Feature' or 'Pricing'. Navigation is now smooth and consistent across all devices.

    Explore these new features and let us know your thoughts. We're committed to continuously improving your experience!

  • Ability to Update Your Default Currency

    We have now added support to change your default currency from the account settings page. Currencies currently supported are, USD, EUR, GBP, INR, AUD, CAD, NZD and RUB.

  • Onboarding for New Users

    We listened to your feedback and added onboarding for new users. Prepare to enjoy a more intuitive and user-friendly experience!

  • Welcome Email for new users

    We have just launched a new feature that sends a warm welcome email to all our new users. This is similar to the courteous welcome emails sent out other popular platforms. Good manner goes a long way and we believe it's a nice touch to personalize your journey with us right from the start. As a user, this helps you get a guided intro to our system and makes you feel valued. Get excited as we have more user-focused features coming up!

  • Template Project Now Available

    We're thrilled to announce that we've added a Template Project to our Project Planner AI. Now, you can hit the ground running with a fully setup next.js project that is hooked into stripe, chadcn, tailwind, and more!

    After creating your plan, go to the plan page and find the template section. Once there, you'll see a list of template (sorry, we only have next.js as of right now) which you can start building a new project using. All of our templates are already hooked into the changelog, events, and feedback we provide in project planner AI, so you can focus on shipping your product from the jump.

  • Reminder Emails

    Today we are announcing reminder emails!

    As you probably know, when you first start up a project you are filled with hype and motivation to build the "new big thing", but after a few days, that motivation might waver. That is why we added reminder emails for your projects which will send you an email if you haven't viewed your project within 7 days.

    Often all we need is that little push to remind us to focus on what we originally set off to do, and we think having reminder emails can help with that.

    These emails are enabled by default, but you can easily disable them by going to your project settings page (or click on the configuration link in the email after you get one).

    I hope y'all enjoy this feature; stay motivated friends and keep building!

  • Newly Added Reports Page

    In this update, we've introduced a new feature for helping users and teams visualize their progress on their projects.

    It's important to track the progress of a project (at least that's what these agile folks tell us) which is why we've implemented a weekly work tracking feature. Tracking work done each week on a project provides invaluable insights into project progression, identifies potential bottlenecks early on, and enables better resource allocation. This feature aligns with agile methodologies by promoting regular reflection and adaptation to optimize project velocity.

    With these weekly reports, it makes writing changelogs and reporting progress to stake holders much easier! With the insights gained from our reports page, users can effortlessly document and communicate the impact of changes made to the project. One can also view which developers are investing more time than others, and who may be working more on features over bugs, etc.

    Additional Changes
    • We refactored the side navigation into groups to make it easier to find the pages
    • we improved the work item page for when a user clicks a work item notification for deleted work items

    We're committed to continuously improving our platform to meet your evolving needs. Stay tuned for more updates!

  • The Event Tracking System

    We are thrilled to introduce the new Event Tracking system in our recent update.

    This improved feature allows developers to publish custom events for tracking user behaviors such as clicking specific buttons or loading different pages. The major motivation behind this novel addition was to bypass the complexity and expense associated with third-party services. By incorporating this directly into the Project Planner AI, we have significantly simplified the process, enabling projects to gain better insights into feature usage and user behavior. This enhancement will majorly help in understanding the user needs and trends, and hence, improve overall product development.

    In the future, we may add support for attaching metadata to the events and improve our UI to allow better filtering and analytics over certain types of events and their metadata, but for now we want to keep this feature as simple as possible while also providing the most value.

  • Automatic Changelog Generation Button

    We have just introduced a new feature, an 'Automatic Changelog Generation'. After you've completed a work item, you will see a button in the work item sidebar which allows you to generate a changelog entry using the title and details of the work item directly.

    We feel this can help streamline your announcements to your users and also save you time by leveraging AI to write your initial changelog copy. In the future, we may add a way for users to subscribe to a newsletter to get changelog updates for your application directly from Project Planner AI.

  • The Kanban Board

    We're excited to announce a our new Kanban view on the work items page.

    This feature that aims to improve task tracking and management on our application. Now at a glance you can see which work items your team is working on, a prioritized list of what to work on next, and what you've already completed.

    We find that our simple Kanban board can help provide that extra visualization you may need for your project management. We don't plan on adding the ability to customize additional columns just yet, since again the target user of our project management is smaller teams or individual developers.

    We like to keep it simple.

    Give it a try and let us know your feedback!

  • Announcing Public Changelog

    We just shipped public changelogs! but what exactly is a changelog and why should your projects have one?

    What is a Changelog?

    A changelog is a chronological record of updates, improvements, and bug fixes made to the software over time. Using a public log like this provides users with transparency regarding the evolution of the application, showcasing the dedication of the development team towards enhancing user experience and addressing issues promptly.

    Who Cares?

    Users should care about the changelog as it offers insight into the latest features, functionalities, and fixes, empowering them to stay informed about the software's progress and make the most out of its capabilities. Additionally, by understanding the changes, users can adapt their workflows, leverage new features, and anticipate improvements, ultimately enhancing their overall experience with the application. In essence, the changelog fosters trust, transparency, and collaboration between users and developers, enriching the software's ecosystem for everyone involved.

    Features Added

    • Users can now create, edit, and delete changelog entries directly from their plan page. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and control over documenting updates within the application.
    • Introducing the ability for users to set a public slug, enabling them to link to a historic list of changes added to the system from their own applications. This feature enhances transparency and facilitates better communication with end-users regarding updates and improvements.
    • Markdown support has been integrated into changelog entries, empowering users to format their entries with ease and precision. Markdown enables users to add emphasis, structure, and clarity to their changelog content, enhancing readability and comprehension.

    Future Ideas

    Here are some ideas we may add into our system in the future related to changelogs.

    • ability to automatically send out a weekly newsletter when you publish a new changelog
    • ability for authenticated users to maybe react or comment on changelog activity to make it more existing when you ship new features
    • Better support for adding images in the changelog
    • Ability to customize your changelog page by providing a logo or color theme to match your project design

    How can you help?

    We are open to feedback as we add features to our application. Be sure to use our feedback modal found in the header if you want to submit feedback to us and we can try to access it and implement it when we have time.

    like always,

    Have a good day, and happy building.